An outstanding operational environment
ISO 9001: A certificate for our quality management
The way Zurich Convention Center operates was clearly defined and professionalized when we reopened in the summer of 2021, so it came as no great surprise that our quality management was awarded the coveted and internationally recognized ISO Certificate 9001 in the following summer. Every corporate process – from strategic management to quality control in relation to hygiene – had been raised to the highest possible level.
A thorough examination
In order for the ISO certificate to be awarded to Zurich Convention Center, we underwent a thorough examination by the Swiss Association for Quality and Management Systems. Amongst other things, ISO 9001:2015 requires us to ensure that all the diagrams, processes, checklists and concepts are actually used and adhered to in day-to-day business. The management and those responsible for the various processes (together with some randomly selected employees) were questioned in order to discover whether everyone was truly ‘in the know’: for example, with regard to regulations and procedures to ensure food safety in the kitchen, or whether they were aware of our corporate values. The initial certification was extremely successful, and there were no major deviations from what was required.

More than just a piece of paper on the wall
The ISO certificate isn’t merely a stamp of approval that Zurich Convention Center can proudly display on its website. It proves that the processes, procedures and areas of responsibility are embodied in a completely professional manner and that they’re regularly checked and constantly improved. This is so important for us because customer relationships rely upon quality, professionalism and trust, thereby ensuring a ‘feelgood factor’ for event organizers and guests. Not least of all, the certificate is of course proof for our employees that their ongoing commitment has not remained unnoticed and isn’t taken for granted either.
A certificate for our commitment to protecting the climate
Our company has been certified by ClimatePartner, and that’s something we’re very proud of. The implementation of climate-friendly measures comprises a variety of approaches, and the most effective in terms of Zurich Convention Center’s day-to-day operations is its corresponding catering concept. This includes the use of regional and seasonal products and an imaginative range of vegan and vegetarian dishes. When it comes to the building itself, the focus is on the fact that 70% of heat regulation is covered by using water from nearby Lake Zurich. Moreover, our central location is one of the most relevant criteria from a climate perspective: people within the city of Zurich who are attending the Center can arrive on foot or use public transport.
Finally, there’s our involvement with a project promoting efficient cookstoves in Uganda. Almost every household in Uganda uses firewood or charcoal for cooking, but the project we support replaces traditional stoves with improved and much more efficient burners. This immediately has three positive outcomes: less fuel is consumed, the health of people in Uganda is improved, and deforestation in this East African country is reduced.
All of these measures mean that Zurich Convention Center Ltd. is making a meaningful contribution to climate protection – and at no additional cost to event organizers.
The ClimatePartner certification confirms that Zurich Convention Center Ltd. has fulfilled five important criteria to protect the climate. ClimatePartner Switzerland Ltd. is one of the leading institutions that awards climate protection certifications, and it also assists us in an advisory capacity. Together we ensure that Zurich Convention Center will continue to lead the way when it comes to protecting the climate. You can find all the relevant information on the Climate-ID website.

Classified as ‘sustainable’ by Swiss Tourism
“We are Swisstainable”: Zurich Convention Center is part of the Swisstainable sustainability programme, classified at Level II (‘engaged’). Swisstainable brings together businesses and organizations from the entire Swiss tourism sector, and the level we have achieved requires a commitment to sustainable corporate management and continuous further development. In order to achieve Level II, it’s also necessary to have some kind of independent validation of our efforts with regard to sustainability; Zurich Convention Center has fulfilled this requirement with certifications awarded by the ISO and ClimatePartner. This means we’re constantly making a significant contribution to sustainable tourism in Switzerland.
EWZ efficiency bonus
EnAW (the Energy Agency of the Swiss Private Sector) has also noticed our voluntary efforts in relation to climate protection and awarded us its certificate. Our company is committed to actively reducing CO2 emissions and optimizing energy efficiency, and is thus an official participant in the agency’s programme. This agreement on targets is recognized by the federal government, the cantons and commercial partners.
Energy from Lake Zurich
In order to support the climate goals of the city of Zurich, the Convention Center covers most of its heating and cooling requirements by using water from the lake. Underground pipes transport water from Lake Zurich to a power station in the building’s basement, whereupon a heat pump transforms the energy within the lake water and thus heats the entire building complex. In the summer months, the system quickly adapts and functions in reverse so that water from the lake is used to cool the Center. In both cases, the water flows back into the lake unchanged – and the cycle begins afresh. The lake thus proves to be an attractive source of energy which just happens to be right on our doorstep. This locally produced energy is CO2-free, doesn’t need to be transported, and can be used efficiently.

Awards for our venue
Zurich Convention Center has already been honoured three times with the Swiss Location Award: in 2023, the Convention Center was designated as «Outstanding» for the second time in a row. This is thanks to the assessments of visitors, event organizers and fans who were impressed by our venue. They particularly appreciated our unique location and architecture as well as the stylish atmosphere.
Dining out in Zurich
What could be nicer than a visit to a restaurant where you can be seated at a table that’s right next to the water? Being able to enjoy a picturesque view whilst eating a delicious meal is an ideal way to create a «holiday feeling» among our guests, and this is also acknowledged by the experts from «Zürich geht aus!». In the 17th edition of October 2021, LUX Restaurant & Bar is ranked number one on their list of the most attractive lakeside venues. The wonderful view of Lake Zurich and the Alps is one of the most valuable assets of LUX Restaurant & Bar, and it’s also appreciated by countless guests who see this as an excellent reason to make return visits to Zurich Convention Center.
Green Meetings
Zurich Convention Center operates in a completely CO2-neutral way, and your events will be staged here in an eco-friendly manner. Learn more about Green Meetings at Zurich Convention Center.