28. November 2024

19. Swiss Retina Update

Website https://svrg2024.congress-imk.ch/frontend/index.php?page_id=10797
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19. Swiss Retina Update – Dear colleagues
Dear participants

We are very pleased to invite you to the 19th SVRG Swiss Retina Update, which will take place on November 28, 2024 at the Radisson Blu Hotel Zurich Airport.

We have once again put together an exciting scientific program for this year's Swiss Retina Update. In addition to the central areas of Medical and Surgical Retina, this year we will be highlighting other exciting retinal topics such as posterior uveitis, quality management and intraocular tumors.

The SVRG has set itself the goal of not only imparting knowledge in the field of retina, but also promoting the next generation of retina specialists. This has resulted in a new concept for the training event in 2022, in which we are organizing the event together with our young hopefuls, which promises both a dynamic presentation and high quality content.

We are also delighted to present the SVRG-sponsored RetinAward for the best experimental project and for the greatest clinical relevance as part of the Swiss Retina Update.

The industry exhibition, which will again accompany the Swiss Retina Update this year, offers a good opportunity for an active exchange of knowledge. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the sponsors and exhibitors for their generous support.

On behalf of the SVRG, we would like to extend a warm welcome to you and look forward to welcoming you to the 19th Swiss Retina Update.

PD Dr. med. Martin K. Schmid
President SVRG

Dr. med. Jeremy Howell
Lead Scientific Committee

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.

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