"You always meet people backstage that you didn't expect"
Mr Dürr, how did Suzi Quatro's concert go from an organiser's point of view?
Fortunately, it was actually really unspectacular! You can tell that professionals were at work here, the atmosphere was calm, relaxed and positive. Everything went smoothly and that's usually the case. But not always: if you have people who have little experience, or they're nervous or exhausted, that can create a bad or hectic atmosphere. It does sometimes happen on an intensive tour, and you need to be able to deal with that. But with Suzi Quatro, as expected, it was extremely pleasant and relaxed.
Why did you choose the Zurich Convention Center as the location for this concert?
Suzi Quatro is now over 70 years old and her fans also tend to be on the older side. That's why she – or rather her agent – wanted a concert hall with seating in a high-quality setting. It quickly became clear that the Zurich Convention Center was the right venue.
When was that – how long is the lead time for such a concert and what happens in the meantime?
We booked it about nine months before the actual performance in May. Sometimes that might be necessary even a year and a half in advance. But since Covid-19, the lead time has tended to get shorter. Once the location has been booked, promotion and ticket sales get going. About six months before the event, technical planning begins, depending on whether the venue's or the artist's technology is being used.
What happens in the run-up to the event?
The location for a concert is booked for exactly one day: that means that everything has to happen on that day and be organised to the letter. It usually kicks off at 8 o'clock. At a concert like Suzi Quatro's, over 100 people are travelling – and that's just a medium-sized event. These 100 people include, for example, set-up helpers, admission staff and the artist's entourage.
And probably also security guards and VIP support?
We treat these topics absolutely professionally, i.e. confidentially. This much I can say: the requirements are highly individual. We always try to do justice to them and meet their wishes together with the venue.
And just before the performance?
The artists involved with the Suzi Quatro concert had something to eat in a relaxed atmosphere – the catering usually comes from the venue, in this case the Zurich Convention Center. They do it very professionally. With such experienced people on and behind the stage, it's calm and relaxed even just before it starts.
Were you at the concert yourself and also backstage?
Yes, but only for part of the concert, because there were several concerts that evening that I wanted to be at. Backstage, you often meet familiar faces: musicians or friends and acquaintances of the artist. Especially at a concert like this: Suzi Quatro has a big network and many musicians settle in Switzerland at some point and then come to the concerts. But you always meet someone you didn't expect: this time it was Suzi Quatro's husband, a friend of mine. It was great to see him. But I couldn't talk to him for long because I had to move on. But it's equally the case that you meet people backstage who go on to become good friends.
What else happens during the concert?
Not that much actually: you listen and talk, of course. Clearing up also usually gets under way again. Because as soon as the curtain falls, things have to move quickly: everything has to be dismantled, and nothing forgotten. That's because the next day you're already in the next place. This again demands full concentration, especially from the production manager. I'm already mentally and sometimes even physically at the next venue myself while the audience is still applauding. So when the curtain falls, it's far from over for us.

“The events at the Zurich Convention Center are of a higher quality than elsewhere.”
You know both Suzi Quatro and the Convention Center very well.
That's right, I've been working with Suzi Quatro for 25 years – back then for oldie parties in really big venues, now as a solo artist and on a somewhat smaller scale. And, of course, we've also been working with the Convention Center for many years, especially for regular events, such as Max Raabe or Swan Lake. As a boy, I was already moving scenery around for the Evita musical in the Convention Center during the summer holidays.
What do you particularly appreciate about the Zurich Convention Center?
The events at the Zurich Convention Center are of a higher quality than elsewhere – the same goes for the architecture, the building, the ambience. The Convention Center is the "grande dame" among the event halls: its location in the heart of Zurich directly at the lake, its history with all the legendary concerts and balls is simply an asset. It has a special aura. We would very much like to book more events at the Convention Center.
Thomas Dürr is CEO of the event agency act entertainment ltd. and organises current productions from the entertainment sector, including his own. With over 200 events per year, act entertainment is one of the largest event organisers in Switzerland.