Starting from scratch, power struggles, and speed dating
Over a four-year period, Zurich Convention Center was a construction site, and that doesn’t just refer to what was actually being built: the Center had for some time been seen as antiquated and no longer contemporary, so the intention was to finally consign this to history. In addition to supervising the building works and subsequently resuming operations (which had been completely suspended), this international repositioning was the task that Roger Büchel took on when he was chosen by the Board of Directors in 2018. “I could see its huge potential, but I also had a healthy respect for what the job would entail. I’m familiar with this sector, and I’d already founded and built up my own company when I was younger. I was aware of what to expect,” he says today.
Lots of experience and a dollop of common sense
All alone in a small pre-opening office, he took up his post as CEO/Director in 2019, more or less starting from scratch: “I enjoyed the full confidence of the Board, and during the construction phase I was free to redefine all the processes and concepts (from safety to catering) as well as the organisation as a whole and the direction it should take.” However, keeping an eye on what was being built required a great deal of attention: this was a phase in which Roger Büchel was constantly encountering aspects he felt obliged to question. For example, somewhat rudimentary event technology had originally been planned, but fortunately the CEO’s experience in such matters enabled him to query this and put the case for state-of-the-art equipment to a number of highly influential bodies. “Having the experience to recognise what does and doesn’t make sense definitely helps. But often it was just about getting people to simply see common sense,” laughs Roger Büchel. For example, the original plan was to pave the terrace with cobblestones, which would have been extremely impractical for a restaurant terrace with tables and chairs. Today it’s paved with flagstones which provide a decorative highlight as well as satisfying practical requirements.
Not a straightforward start
Then Covid threw a spanner in the works: construction delays frayed the nerves of clients as well as the general public. The building became operational in the summer of 2021, albeit later than planned but with full order books; in August 2021 alone, 50 new employees took up their posts. This was one of the crucial moments for Roger Büchel, because it would demonstrate whether the processes that had been defined were effective and whether the new crew would function as hoped: in short, whether the plan would work. Reports in media outlets had been rather critical during the construction phase, so they had particularly high expectations of the new Convention Center. The perfectly orchestrated reopening made a number of things clear: people liked the Convention Center, and they recognised how valuable it was to have an event and convention venue with an international reputation right in the heart of Zurich. But were the processes and concepts effective too? “Yes, and they’ve been implemented until the present day, with only a few minor changes,” says Roger Büchel proudly. “However, the whole team has been responsible for this, and not just me.”
The building had only been open for a while before there was further progress: LUX Restaurant & Bar likewise began operations and the first events immediately followed, including Zurich Film Festival’s European premiere of the latest James Bond movie. The Convention Center rapidly positioned itself as an outstanding event venue with an international reputation.
Yet it was only a short time after these first successful weeks that operations were once again suspended: a new wave of Covid had reached Switzerland and made events impossible. This then meant that a financial restructuring had to be negotiated. This was a protracted process which, thanks to Roger Büchel’s major input, was ultimately successful – yet another “power struggle”, as he would put it.
The worsening shortage of skilled workers also occupied Roger Büchel and his team, but ingenuity and quick action paid off: a kind of speed dating was invented to recruit temporary staff, and permanent employees were more closely tied to the company: “We’ve created very attractive working conditions in the catering area and are strongly focussed on ensuring that employees feel comfortable and see themselves as an important part of the company – because of course they are,” says Büchel with conviction.
The turnaround
Then came the turnaround in 2022: following the Omicron wave, the company recorded its biggest turnover ever, and today it’s already clear that – as planned – it will enter into profit from 2024 onwards. Operations have stabilised, order books are full, and the team is well established.
It’s in this good state – but with some sadness too - that Roger Büchel is now handing over to his successor, Michel Loris-Melikoff. “It was a very intense period, but collaboration within the team was always enjoyable. It’s very fortunate to have the right people around you, and all these uncertainties brought us even closer together. I’d like to thank this team, but also the Board of Directors for the trust it placed in me. And finally our customers too, because they demonstrated patience and understanding when faced with the building complex’s teething troubles.”
What the future will bring
When it comes to the future of Zurich Convention Center, Roger Büchel would like it to constantly develop further, be guided by the needs of its customers, and enable its employees to demonstrate their total commitment on a daily basis.
What the future will bring for him personally is still unclear: “The time has come for me to hand over the business (in very good shape) at the end of the financial year. I’d like to take another step in my career, but I haven’t yet decided on the direction. Only one thing is clear: “It’s now or never.”

“Within a rapidly changing environment, Roger Büchel kept the ship on course, showed incredible commitment, and used his above-average leadership qualities to firmly establish a motivating and collegial culture.”
Commitment, perseverance, and leadership skills
After five years, countless anecdotes, some sleepless nights and unforgettable moments, Roger Büchel is handing the reins to his successor. Roger’s impressive achievements and successes, his commitment, his endearing perseverance in the face of adversity, his constructive handling of challenges and his supportive and inclusive management style are what characterise his time as the first CEO/Director and ‘co-designer’ of the new Zurich Convention Center.
“The Board would like to thank Roger Büchel for his enormous commitment. Following several years of building renovations, he oversaw the challenging restructuring of the company with aplomb and thereby laid the foundation for a promising future.”
Jean-Marc Hensch, who for many years was Chair of the Board of Directors, summarises the aspects that have so impressed him: “Within a rapidly changing environment, Roger Büchel kept the ship on course, showed incredible commitment, and used his above-average leadership qualities to firmly establish a motivating and collegial culture.” The current Chair of the Board, Andreas Bürge, also greatly appreciates Roger Büchel’s achievements: “The Board would like to thank Roger Büchel for his enormous commitment. Following several years of building renovations, he oversaw the challenging restructuring of the company with aplomb and thereby laid the foundation for a promising future.”