«With an annual updated carbon footprint we own a tool to identify significant emissions mitigation and reduction potential and to track the effectiveness of climate protection measures over time. For instance, we cover 70% of our heating and cooling requirements by our own seawater central from the nearby lake of Zurich. By supporting a forest protection project in Peru we offset unavoidable CO2 emissions and ensure that every event in the new Zurich Convention Center is completely climate neutral without extra expenses for the organizer»
Green meetings in the new Zurich Convention Center
Integrated climate protection followst he principle: avoid unnecessary emissions, reduce existing emissions, and offset unavoidable emissions.

The implementation of climate neutral measures comprises several approaches:
- Catering concept: We use regional and seasonal products and offer an imaginative selection of vegetarian and vegan dishes.
- Structural measures: The structural measures focus on covering 70% of the building’s thermoregulation by exploiting the water from the nearby Lake Zurich.
For more information on the power station that uses water from the lake visit www.ewz.ch/zürichsee. - Journey to the venue: The central location is also a significant climate-relevant criteria, with the journey to the venue within the city of Zurich possible on foot or by public transport.
- Consulting: We are on hand to advise our customers – the organisers – on what they could optimise in connection with climate change.
- Compensation: We are committed to a forest conservation project in Peru which compensates for any unavoidable CO2 emissions.
Further information about the project you find here.
ClimatePartner Switzerland Ltd., based in Zurich, has been tasked with consultancy and certification. The certification was awarded in summer 2019 in accordance with strict international criteria. The present Corporate Carbon Footprint discloses all emissions as CO2 equivalents (CO2e). This means that in addition to CO2, the calculation also includes the six other greenhouse gases regulated by the Kyoto Protocol: methane (CH4) nitrous oxide (N2O), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3). These gases are all converted into the global warming potential of CO2 and thus represent CO2 equivalents (CO2e). For better legibility, the emissions are simply referred to as carbon emissions or "CO2".
Download PDF «Certificate Partner in Climate Protection – Zurich Convention Center Ltd.»