An Innovative Partner: Optimal Levels of Security with DELTAgroup

– «Events are like an iceberg,» says Linus Eberhard of DELTAgroup, the Swiss security firm based in Brüttisellen. «At most, guests only see one tenth of everything that’s happening.» In an interview, the company’s COO tells us what his people do when ‘the big show’ kicks off on stage at Zurich Convention Center.

DELTAgroup has of course been forced to scale back its activities during the COVID pandemic, but this time hasn’t been wasted. The firm has concentrated its efforts on the comprehensive digitalization of its processes and a revision of the group’s strategy, thereby enabling it to present itself afresh: for example, at Zurich Convention Center, where DELTAgroup is responsible for every aspect relating to security.

From consulting to implementation

This involves much more than you might initially assume. «When it comes to the topic of security, most people simply think about checking tickets,» says Eberhard. However, well in advance of actually carrying out security tasks you also have to consult with event venues and develop individual security concepts. «It used to be ‘one size fits all’,» recalls Eberhard. «Nowadays DELTAgroup produces security solutions that are perfectly tailored to the client’s needs.»

«When it comes to the topic of security, forward-looking solutions are constantly required.»

Linus Eberhard, COO, DELTAgroup

Acting instead of reacting

DELTAgroup’s guiding principle is to always be an active partner, to anticipate problems, and not to have to react to unforeseen scenarios. «The issue of security is so ingrained in our everyday lives that new and forward-looking solutions are constantly required,» explains Eberhard, and he continues: «This constant striving to identify needs and then address them means there’s the potential for innovation in the security sector.»

Pop concert, New Year’s Eve gala, and annual general meeting

Zurich Convention Center is a particularly exciting place for DELTAgroup to work. «Multiple events take place simultaneously in the Center, and in many different rooms and spaces,» says Eberhard. This leads to different zones with differing accreditation rights for the different audiences entering and using the Center. The building’s open-plan construction and multifunctional usage increase the complexity of security-related tasks.

Virtual stress training

The company’s in-house academy not only provides DELTAgroup employees with physical training, but mental coaching too. It’s essential to deal sensitively with everybody you speak to, particularly when it comes to events with complex access guidelines – and also to avoid embarrassing mistakes with VIPs. DELTAgroup is also investing in practice-based training sessions and stress scenarios which – thanks to virtual reality technologies – can be conducted very effectively and efficiently. Insights from this sort of training are then continuously incorporated in the training cycles of the DELTAgroup Academy, thereby preserving the interactive relationship between training and real-life events.

Security behind the scenes

There’s a hive of activity behind the scenes when things are then happening live on stage. Everyone and everything is in place: logistics people, the technical crew, event management, artists, first-aiders, fire wardens, and many more. At moments like this, DELTAgroup maintains an overview of the various interfaces: entry controls, bodyguards, accompanying the artist or CEO, evacuation assistants – the roles are diverse yet clearly defined. This is precisely what Eberhard appreciates at Zurich Convention Center: «The events and formats present us with endless opportunities and so much scope.» So it’s reassuring to know that DELTAgroup has a suitable security plan for all of this!


Name: Linus Eberhard
Function: COO of DELTAgroup
Expertise: Individual consulting and implementation of security concepts for events and event organisers
Likes about his work: When everything comes together, like in a beehive, with everyone playing to each other’s strengths, and teamwork functions

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