Event technology: important, but invisible

– Anyone who organizes an event wants to fascinate and inspire visitors - in short: to be remembered. Event technology plays an important but largely invisible role in this.

Have a look behind the scenes with us - you would mainly see cables, switches and wires. But they have it all: there is a lot of innovation and technology in them. Many of the event participants are not even aware of that. "Nor should they be - the effect, the experience is the focus, not the technology behind it," says CEO Roger Büchel.

«It is important to keep our finger on the pulse of the times in this area. To ensure this, we work together with Venon Projects AG - the perfect partner for us.»

Roger Büchel, Chief Executive Officer

Invisible, powerful and stable

The technology of the new Zurich Convention Center will therefore be state-of-the-art, but will remain largely invisible: Sound and lighting technicians or interpreters - their work can now be done remotely. In other words, without anyone having to be on site. "The basis for all this is a powerful internal and external network, which is why all the premises are connected with each other," adds Roger Büchel. After all, large volumes of data must be able to flow smoothly at all times.

Modern technology contributes to the wow-effect, is powerful and easy to use. But one of the most important things is stability: "Fail-safety is a huge issue. Imagine if the electronic voting at a general assembly does not work," says Roger Büchel. This is where various backup solutions come into play. Among other things, the Zurich Convention Center has its own transformer station to minimize the risk of a power failure.

Technical Trends

Two trends seem to be particularly apparent in the event technology sector: In the future, there will probably be more events where streaming formats play a central role. Be it because international traveling is decreasing or because interesting live connections to a specific location are becoming increasingly popular. For example to an operating room or to a construction site. The Zurich Convention Center will therefore offer a professional live streaming room, which can also be booked separately by surrounding companies.

Another trend is the need to be able to create a wow effect for smaller events as well. This means that event technology should no longer focus only on large events, but must be usable for small-scale occasions as well. The Zurich Convention Center has also considered this; the building will be able to offer the right setting for any kind of event.

«We incorporate these trends, because state-of-the-art event technology is very important to us. Because of that we wait until the very last moment so that we can really use the latest available technology,» Roger Büchel confirms and adds, «and that's not all! It is important to keep our finger on the pulse of the times in this area. To ensure this, we work together with Venon Projects AG - the perfect partner for us.»

These are the technical-highlights of the Zurich Convention Center:

  1. Beam-steering-technology: With the installed Line Array, individual areas of the room can be provided with sound separately and optimized independently of one another.
  2. Panorama projection with picture-in-picture technology: The large screen can be used simultaneously and flexibly with different images.
  3. Movable LED-walls: As they light up themselves, they can be used in daylight and without darkening the room. They are mobile and can be used flexibly.
  4. Intelligent spotlights: Lighting settings can be pre-programmed and controlled from anywhere in the world
  5. TV streaming studio: Professional live TV streaming can be produced in this webcast studio. The room can be used during events or booked separately.
  6. Simultaneous system via remote solution: The translators' work in a central, external interpreting studio, which is both safer and more efficient.
  7. Digital networking of all rooms: The fibre optic networking of all rooms and the master control room allows all types of digital data to be distributed quickly and securely throughout the house and throughout the world.

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