Innovative partner: efficient facility management

– At the Zurich Convention Center, tradition and innovation blend into a holistic experience. The same applies to the family-run facility management company gammaRenax, which is about to take over the operational maintenance of the Tonhalle concert hall and the Zurich Convention Center.

Severin Gallo has been Managing Director of gammaRenax for 25 years now and is the second generation of his family to hold the position. His son Luca will soon take over joint responsibility for the Zurich Convention Center as head of department. “We have many very long-standing employees with a lot of skill and responsibility,” says Gallo, explaining the company's staffing structure.

«When they hear the keyword ‹innovation›, many people think of technical gadgets rather than process-optimised approaches.»

Severin Gallo, Managing Director, gammaRenax

Adaptable service provider

According to Gallo, this stability is a key factor in what makes the company so agile. “We don't just keep doing the same old thing, but instead act as an innovative and adaptable service provider and co-creator.” But what does that mean in the facility management industry? Severin Gallo describes a phenomenon that he has noticed time and again: “When they hear the word 'innovation', many people immediately think of technical gadgets rather than the process-optimised approaches that are particularly relevant in facility management.”

A glimpse of the future

gammaRenax appreciates and supports the use of innovative tools and the processes associated with them. One example of this is the company's interactive remote assistance glasses, which its locally deployed team members can use to receive instant interactive support from remote specialists. This solution not only has the "wow" factor, but – far more importantly – it makes it possible to repair damage efficiently.

Process-optimised work steps

Gallo sees optimised analysis and implementation of individual work steps as equally important. “At the moment, we are working with the Zurich Convention Center to design a use-oriented cleaning model that will allow us to adapt our services to the level of cleaning required and the event.” Thanks to this flexible model, gammaRenax does not have to charge flat rates and instead can decide on a case-by-case basis which cleaning intensity level really makes sense. “This way, the customer only pays for the service they actually receive,” Gallo adds, explaining the advantages.

From sponges to scrubber dryers

gammaRenax will be taking over responsibility for building services, cleaning, winter services and many other assistance tasks for the Zurich Convention Center. At the moment, the preparations for this – like everywhere else in the Zurich Convention Center – are in full swing. The company is training up both long-standing and new employees for the work on site, creating cleaning plans and maintenance tools and procuring materials: from the sponges to the ride-on scrubber-dryer, everything has to be ready on time. “It's a very creative process at the moment,” Gallo remarks. “At the beginning, nothing – no procedures, not one single action – is cut and dry, but little by little, the Zurich Convention Center is picking up momentum and taking everyone involved along with it.”

"Elves" at work

Once it starts, however, the work of gammaRenax is intended to remain as invisible as possible. “If the client and guests never have to think about us and housekeeping is simply a 'non-issue', then we have been successful.” That's good to know – because it helps us to appreciate the work of the busy "elves" at the Zurich Convention Center even when everything is perfect.


Name: Severin Gallo
Function: Managing Director of gammaRenax for 25 years
Expertise: transferring his enthusiasm to his team
Likes about his work: the fact that a new relationship can be formed from scratch with every customer

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