Short portrait Thomas Fux

– On 1 February 2021, Thomas Fux joined the management team at the Zurich Convention Center as Director of Finance. As Treasurer, he is the business conscience of the company.

«Here I find the optimal mix of tradition and modernity.»

Thomas Fux, Director of Finance, Zurich Convention Center

What brings you tot he Zurich Convention Center?

A lot of financial knowledge and an appetite for something new! As a graduate in business administration with 15 years of experience in the management of the finance department of a successful catering company, I was looking for a new challenge where I could incorporate my wealth of experience. I have found it, here at the Zurich Convention Center: a business challenge and the optimal mix of tradition and modernity.


Is there anything that is particularly important to you in your new job?

In addition to my core tasks - namely the classic functions of financial and operational accounting - strategic analysis as a controller is particularly close to my heart. I want to understand our processes and shape them in order to provide the basis for cost-relevant decisions as quickly as possible and to be able to further improve our structures.


How was your start?

My start was gentle and steep at the same time: I was already involved in budget processes before taking up the job and was able to adjust well to them. Unfortunately, the time off I wanted to take for trekking in Nepal did not come about. In the meantime, I am 120% involved - of course under somewhat difficult home office conditions.


What will you be doing a year from now?

We are now laying the foundation for the successful operation of the new event location. We are laying the foundations so that in a year's time we will be able to make efficient evaluations of the cost structures. Until then, our business is in flow, the systems are running and we make strategic decisions based on this information.


What are your tasks before the opening?

I work on systems, develop master data and create system-based processes. At the moment - also precisely because of Covid - I think and calculate strongly in scenarios and create model calculations. I see myself as an objective authority in the Zurich Convention Center.


What are you looking forward to?

Oh, I am looking forward to three things in particular: finally being able to have lunch together with my colleagues, officially moving into our location and, of course, the day when we can welcome the first guests to the Zurich Convention Center.



Name: Thomas Fux
Function: Director of Finance
Expertise: Numbers, strategy, visions
Likes about his work: Numbers! To prepare figures in such a way that they can serve as a basis for management decisions.

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