When do you start at the Zurich Convention Center?

– The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Zurich Convention Center Ltd. was asked a few questions.

Mr. Jean-Marc Hensch, is the Zurich Convention Center ready to receive customers soon?

Everything is going according to plan at the moment and we are confident that the dates will be met. Officially, the opening of the house will take place with a concert in the Tonhalle on 15 September. But on our side, we have to get the house up and running step by step before then and get the procedures in place. We will therefore hold the first events as early as June, if Corona will let us, of course. And our new restaurant should also be able to benefit from the summer.

Will the General Assembly already be able to take place in the new rooms?

We hope that by 21 June the pandemic will be under control enough for us to be able to welcome our shareholders on our own premises as in previous years. They should be able to see for themselves how well we have come out of the reorganisation and how committed the new team is.

Four years without a single franc of turnover, how do you manage that as a company?

Such a lean period is indeed not easy to cope with. We had expected three years of lost revenue, now it will be four. In order to have sufficient liquidity in the start-up phase, we took out a Covid loan at very good conditions.

«A highlight will certainly be the restaurant we designed ourselves with a fantastic view of the lake and the Alps.»

Jean-Marc Hensch, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Zurich Convention Center

What are you looking forward to the most?

Above all, we are looking forward to finally getting started again. A highlight will certainly be the restaurant we designed ourselves with a fantastic view of the lake and the Alps. But personally, I'm most eager to finally be able to celebrate the Sechseläuten with the Zunft zu den Drei Königen in our traditional venue.

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